Friday, December 11, 2009

ms ng new hair style

during 09.12.09, ms ng go to cut her hair.....

although she had satisfied with the new hair style..

bt, she still very TL with the saloon SHAMPOO GAIL 's service...

Monday, December 7, 2009

monday>>shooping day=)

yesterday (monday)i went to gurney with ms.NG =)

i buy a shu uemura eye lash curler

hapi hapi ^^

Exam revision week..


Monday, November 30, 2009

Healthy Board =)

晚上9-11 点为免疫系统(淋巴)排毒时间,此段时间应安静或听音乐

晚间11-凌晨3点 肝的排毒,需在熟睡中进行。

凌晨3-5点, 肺的排毒。此即为何咳嗽的人在这段时间咳得最剧烈,

凌晨5-7点 大肠的排毒,应上厕所排便。

早上7-9点, 小肠大量吸收营养的时段,应吃早餐。

# 半夜至凌晨4点为脊椎造血时段,必须熟睡,不宜熬夜。#


2∶00 绝大多数器官处于一天中工作最慢的状态,肝脏却在紧张工作,生血气为人体排毒。

3∶00 进入深度睡眠阶段,肌肉完全放松。

4∶00 “黎明前的黑暗”时刻,老年人最易发生意外。血压处于一天中最低值,糖尿病病人出现低血糖, 心脑血管患者易发生心梗等。

5∶00 阳气逐渐升华,精神状态饱满。

6∶00 血压开始升高,心跳逐渐加快。高血压患者得吃降压药了。

7∶00 人体免疫力最强。吃完早饭,营养逐渐被人体吸收。

8∶00 各项生理激素分泌旺盛,开始进入工作状态。

9∶00 适合打针、手术、做体检等。此时人体气血活跃,大脑皮层兴奋,痛感降低。

10∶00 工作效率最高。

10∶00-11∶00 属于人体的第一个黄金时段。心脏充分发挥其功能,精力充沛,不会感到疲劳。


12∶00-13∶00 是最佳"子午觉"时间。不宜疲劳作战,最好躺着休息半小时至一小时。

14∶00 反应迟钝。易有昏昏欲睡之感,人体应激能力降低。

15∶00 午饭营养吸收后逐渐被输送到全身,工作能力开始恢复。

15∶00-17∶00 为人体第二个黄金时段。最适宜开会、公关、接待重要客人

16∶00 血糖开始升高,有虚火者此时表现明显。阳虚、肺结核等患者的脸部最红。

17∶00 工作效率达到午后时间的最高值,也适宜进行体育锻炼。

18∶00 人体敏感度下降,痛觉随之再度降低。

19∶00 最易发生争吵。此时是人体血压波动的晚高峰,人们的情绪最不稳定。

20∶00 人体进入第三个黄金阶段。记忆力最强,大脑反应异常迅速。

20∶00-21∶00 适合做作业、阅读、创作、锻炼等。

22∶00 适合梳洗。呼吸开始减慢,体温逐渐下降。最好在十点半泡脚后上床,能很快入睡。

23∶00 阳气微弱,人体功能下降,开始逐渐进入深度睡眠,一天的疲劳开始缓解。

24∶00 气血处于一天中的最低值,除了休息,不宜进行任何活动。

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


~~ lots of assignments are following me at my bek, they r chasing 4 me..
~~exam are waiting 4 me.....
summore i feel pressure....worry 4 when i can graduated....
the exam fee, tuisyen fee, retake fee, resit fee.....and those of fee tat have to pay for college r waste my money.. =(

Saturday, November 21, 2009


For: someone who is looking 4 a JOB

Here is a JOB for U

position : chef (not hotel chef, is cafe chef)

salary : will b discuss with u while u r cumming 4 interviewing ^^

working place: JOHOR JAYA

Allowance : hostel + meal

Qualification : have COOKING experience, make sure u cn able to cook delicious foods! Hardworking, responsibility........

anyone who is intersted, send u're FULL name, i/c no., address to

any request , plz contact >>>>> 012-7771797 (attn: MR.TAN)

good luck

Thursday, November 19, 2009

food poisoning

sunday night = having mamak hawker stall mageeee soup

monday night = stomach ache, running to toilet for whole day, lunckly, my class was cancelled thta day >.<

tuesday night = stomach ache + fever......

p/s : dun alwaz go to MAMAK :S

Friday, November 13, 2009

specialist for the < GUNDAM LOVER >

To all gundam loversssssss :

my dreams.................

jz available in my dreams..............

dream house................ZZZZZZZZ

super bike................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

car car...zzzzzzzzzzz

>>>>>time for wake up from the dream

December'2009 will b end soon...wat r u doing?..wat r u sucess?

yeah yeah...finally....i can moving out from 29,MEDAN LIM CHENG very very happy.....bcoz, i hate tat place..
a horrible n sad memories i was having over there.....
i was met a robbery over there when i was walking bek from taking lunch in gurney tower.
Start to begin my NEW life in my NEW house..

N my lovely "7 zai" was movin together with meeeee *-*..xixi..he is sitting beside me as the pic above>.<..."7 zai a 7 zai"...finally we r movin out from that rubbish dumb...hurray^^ June'2009:

yoo, a 17" BENQ Lcd had been sucessfully, i have to prepare my exam during tis month..yawn!!..

Sept '2009:
hmm....special day for Sept^^ first it is my mom b'thday;n MR.JACK b'thday
mom's b'thday>>0920....go to travel for celebrate...4m pg>>negeri is a beautifullllll state in malaysia...^^

some where in tg Sepat.....sepat or sepak..i forgot liao>.<"" ah jek b'thday:0922

sunset beach......wish u 马到功成 in u're propeties business yea...cheers....

oct'2009 ~ Nov'2009:
new stock entered !!!
5M WEB CAM.....hehhee...anyone interested??

wholesale or retail me for the further info yea..

price: RM75 for retail sales


Its my 1st BLOG(13.November.09)

its my first blog, create at ard 6o'clock in the boring AFTERNOON .....boring wat, tats y..^^
well, who gona to b the first person which is visiting my blog??..hehe